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Sunday, March 24, 2013

I'm Going On An Adventure!

When at the Airport:

This past Wednesday, I took a trip to the future by going to the past. First stop was Denver, then LA (which is always perfect when I go; how is that possible?), and then Tokyo!! The flights were rather uneventful...well, save for the end when two boys sitting next to me started asking for Japanese pickup lines and helpful phrases to use in restaurants and when selling merchandise for their clothing company. After arriving, I hauled all of my luggage on a smaller bullet train to meet my friend Rei, who was kind enough to let me stay at his apartment and pester him for a few days. We spent a lot of time talking, I watched him practice yoyo tricks, and we even went to the ICU Wadaiko performance (more, more, more on that later!!!!), but mostly we have been catching up from the two years since I left. He drew me a map of the area so that I could get to the station and start exploring or visit my old hangout spots. I went to Shibuya, ICU, talked to my old Dorm Dad, and even toured around Asakusa with my old Witt friend Kai! I've been having lots of good food and seeing so many beautiful flowers, but this next week will be all about work and catching up with my blog before I fall really, REALLY far behind.

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