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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Kichijoji: My Favorite City Then and Now

Of all the Tokyo area cities, I have to say that Kichijoji is my favorite. It is so close to ICU that I could easily bike between the cities in half and hour. It was off of the Yamanote Line by a few stops, so you didn't have to worry about all of that congestion (however, it was still really crowded). It had tons of side streets for exploring and lots of little odd shops to look in. It was also the first place Miki showed me how to get to on the trains in Japan. When I tried to go there by myself, she made me promise to call to make sure I got there alright. Many of my fondest and strongest memories were made in Kichijoji.

To save too much time about the past, you can read about them for yourself. For everything about my adventures in Kichijoji before, check this out!

So on my last full day in Tokyo, I knew where I wanted to go. At first I was just going to wander around by myself, seeing if I still know my way about. But then my friend Mika got ahold of me and we made plans to meet up there in the evening. Early afternoon rolls around and I find myself at a hanami (more on that later) with Rei's friends from one of the dorms, when I hear a familiar voice.

"Oooh, Zaiton!" - it was Miki!!

One of the kouhai serving out food at the Wadaiko party.
She and Mao were on their way to the Wadaiko Club Room when they saw me. She asked if I was going to the party that night. Uhhhh, what party? The Review Party from the Sotspuro Concert the day before (I swear, more on that later). Overjoyed to hear that I could go out and see the Wadaiko kids and this time really get to talk to them, I agreed to come with them, but forgot to write down the information. Oh, no! I was supposed to meet Miki and Mao in front of the Club Room in 15 minutes, but my watch stopped and I was late. Or was I? Was it in 15 minutes or 15 minutes after the hour? Were we meeting at the station because I didn't have a bicycle anyway? Oh, dear. Keep in mind that I still don't have a Japanese cell phone and my smartphone is still on airplane mode so that I don't get crazy amounts of charges. Of course, I only realize this as I'm standing in front of the gym. AAAGGGHHH! What to do?
Salmon Sliders?? Great idea!!

I know!

I'll head to Kichijoji and wait at our usual spot. It was almost 4 and they said that they would all be meeting up there at 4:45. Or was it 5:45? Better to be early than miss the group, I suppose. With this thought, I dash off to the next bus, leap aboard, and charge my way onwards to Kichijoji! Well, that was how it was in my mind. In reality, I calmly and quietly used the public transportation to the train station and patiently waited on the platform for the Chuo Line to come. Right. And THEN, I dashed around all over Kichijoji station which, surprise surprise, Alexandra, has changed!! It is so much bigger now and they have blocked off older areas to refurbish them. So the spot where we all used to meet is now gone and I don't know where they decided to meet today, and it is getting closer to 4:45, which is when they could have been meeting, so what do I do? Starbucks wifi.

Makkun talking up a corner of girls. He had all of their
attention with his stories and jokes!

On the second story of the train station was a Starbucks, where I immediately went, sat and began to Facebook and email spam as many people as I could. "MAAAAOOOOO!!! MIIIKIIIIIII!! KOOOOJJJIIIII!! Someone please help me :("During this time, I got my wits together, realized that they weren't meeting up for another hour, and took the time to relax after my mad dash from ICU. My dojo boys had landed at the Narita airport (about an hour and a half and $40ish for a one way trip from where I was siting), so I caught up with them on my lovely wifi service. When the Wadaiko kids finally came, we all met up in from of 31 (Baskin Robins, yey!) and went off to the nomihodai (all you can drink party) for discussion, survey reading, fun, present giving, and thank you speeches. I was able to be with Miki most of the time, see Anna, catch up with Chiyuki, and even talk to Makkun! He talked to me! For reals! Two years ago that kid was so shy and quiet and he wouldn't even look you in the eye. But that night he was leading discussions and making jokes. What a transformation!

I had to leave the party early, but not before tearing up when the 13 started to cry in their thank you speeches. It was a blast and a half! The rest of the night was spent catching up with Mika (an old dorm friend) and when I went back to Rei's apartment, he had invited a friend to spend the night since they had missed the last train. We all ended up staying up to talk. A great and fun filled day!
Sensei (who hasn't changed a bit) laughs with some of the
younger girls during the speeches.

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